TREx is now part of Biotechnology Resource Center. Please click here to visit the BRC affiliated site.
The TREx Lab is currently OPEN and is taking sample submissions by appointment only.
Please review our NEW SAMPLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES for more information or Click Here to place an order.
To schedule a virtual meeting and or get in touch via e-mail: Click Here

Transcriptional Regulation & Expression Facility

About Us :

The Transcriptional Regulation & Expression (TREx) Facility offers end-to-end genomics profiling services. Our RNAseq , and small-RNA sequencing packages include library preparation, sequencing, and standard data analysis. RNAseq library options include directional (stranded) or standard libraries, with pre-enrichment options including polyA+ selection and rRNA depletion (HMR, plants and/or bacteria). Standard analyses includes preprocessing/QC, mapping, and differential expression analysis. More details are available on the Services & Pricing page.

We encourage researchers to contact us early about new projects, as we can offer guidance on experimental design and sample quality and input requirements. Information about how to contact us or make a virtual appointment is listed below. We also provide a variety of protocols, guides, and links on the Resources page.

Ready to submit samples? Click here to launch our new sample submission portal (BRC account required).

Our Team:

Jen Grenier -- Director, TREx Facility & Genomics Innovation Hub
Office Hours: Tues 1-3pm; Topics: TREx projects (any scope), genomics technologies

Christine Butler -- Lab Manager

Ann Tate -- Project Manager
Office Hours: Weds 10am-noon; Topics: TREx projects (experimental design, input requirements, current status, future planning),
Illumina sequencing (technology, BRC services, Novogene services)

Faraz Ahmed -- Programmer Analyst
Office Hours: Thurs 1-3pm; Topics: TREx projects (analysis, data QC, data distribution/access), genomics computational methods/software/pipelines (RNAseq, small RNA seq, ATACseq, single cell profiling, methyl-seq, and much more)

Virtual Appointments

To set up an appointment, please use our Google calendar/appointment system to sign up in advance for a 30min window. Once you click on the OH reservation, click on the link to ‘Go to appointment page for this calendar’ – this will open a new calendar view with reservation ‘slots’. Click on one to reserve a slot and enter your name. During your reserved OH slot, join the appropriate Zoom meeting (see Google calendar details). On Tuesdays, the pwd is ‘trex’.